June Release Notes: Huzzah Stickers, Beacon News, and Support Driven Donuts
The season of Beacon is upon us. What’s Beacon, you ask? Maybe it would help to explain it in terms of bacon…
If you’re eager to learn more about behind-the-scenes Beacon updates, read our latest Beacon blog post.
What’s New 🚀
Huzzah sticker pack
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re familiar with Help Scout’s huzzahs. If you’ve reached inbox zero in a Mailbox, you’ve seen ‘em. Some (amazing) people have even dressed up as huzzahs for Halloween!
Our product support team getting in the Halloween spirit today! 🎃 @helpscout, recognize those icons? #inboxZero pic.twitter.com/duvQhjNjT7
— Panorama Education (@PanoramaEd) October 31, 2017
In an effort to spread more huzzah joy, we thought it was about time to create a huzzah sticker pack. If you head to the App Store on your phone and search for “huzzahs,� you’ll find 24 downloadable stickers. Press the “Get� button, and you’re off to the races.
Need to text someone a piñata to remind them that they’re the life of the party? What about a donut? Everyone deserves a donut. Just think . . . a trophy sticker could turn someone’s stressful Monday morning into a “heck yeah, I can do this� kind of day. Huzzahs to the rescue.
Get it from the App Store
Support Driven Expo
We came, we saw, we supported.
Hundreds of people from the Support Driven Community gathered at the Support Driven Expo (a.k.a. SDX) to learn, share, connect, and . . . eat donuts.
This year, our very own Patto gave a presentation on the value of curiosity in support, Tim worked the room as an M.C., and Abigail taught a packed house about getting started with APIs.
We also learned a whole lot from this amazing community of support champions! If this is the first time you’ve heard of the Support Driven community, you can learn more about it here.
Join the community
Beacon beta: mobile SDKs
Good news! Our Beacon mobile SDKs (Software Development Kits) are coming along.
We now have many of the features of the Beacon 2.0 web embed available to place in your iOS or Android app—things like articles search, suggestions, opening a new conversation, and message history.
The mobile SDKs are currently in beta, so give us a shout if you’d like to try ‘em out.
Contact Support
Customer Team Roundup 💪 ✨
In support, little things can make a big difference — even seemingly small changes can save your whole team some precious time. In this section, we highlight the maybe-overlooked (but very powerful!) changes that are making our own customer champions cheer.
Up this month: Shaun writes in from Portsmouth, England.
One of the most common questions I see from our customers is “How do I keep track of priority messages in my mailbox so they get the fastest responses?” If you’re shouting “YES!,” then check out our handy Workflow Templates and Scenarios guide. It’s chock full of tips to help keep track of priority conversations using tags, folders, and more!
Wield some Workflows
For many businesses, it’s a slow season for incoming support requests. If your team is at inbox zero more often than not and you’ve got some gaps in your schedule, it’s an opportune time to reflect on how you can improve proactive support! Check out these recommendations for how to turn seasonal downtime into a fun, morale-boosting experience for all.
Make the most of it
Before you go…
Upcoming Events
10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Downtime
This is for you if …
You’re crushing the inbox (even more than usual), and you’re eager to take advantage of a slower season. Learn new ways to make your Help Scout account and your team more efficient so that you’ll be in great shape when the inbox gets busier!
- Wednesday, July 18
9 a.m. EST
Save your Spot
Beacon 2.0 Preview — It’s Chat and a Whole Lot More
This is for you if …
You’re eagerly awaiting (or just curious about) the powers of Beacon 2.0. Live chat, email, and Docs — oh my! Come find out what everyone’s chatting about, and see a full demo of what’s coming to Help Scout. Lower support volume and happier customers? Huzzah!
- Tuesday, July 31
3 p.m. EST
Save your spot
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