US President Trump Wants To Redesign Air Force One And The Internet Has Ideas…

It looks like the iconic blue-and-white aesthetic of the Air Force One is in talks of becoming a thing of the past.

According to Axios, which initially reported the probable redesign, US President Trump doesn’t think that the current aesthetic accurately represents the United States of America.

Industrial designer Raymond Loewy was behind Air Force One’s last redesign in 1962 for President John F. Kennedy. The craft was painted in sky blue and cyan.

Trump suggests that in its place, a design that appears “more American” and isn’t a “Jackie Kennedy color” should take over. This is believed to preferably include the colors red, white, and blue.

An official shared with CNN that while Trump is in talks concerning the potential redesign, no further details have been confirmed.

With that, netizens took it upon themselves to throw forth some ideas and suggestions that could forever change the way Trump flies.

Trump wants a patriotic makeover for Air Force One

— New York Post (@nypost) July 12, 2018

Trump reportedly wants to give Air Force One a makeover — so it isn't a 'Jackie Kennedy color'

— Stan Yee (@stanyee) July 12, 2018

Like this?

— DB (@smackiepipe) July 12, 2018

Trump wants to paint Air Force One more patriotic colors. Red, white, and blue.
So American….but so very Russian also.
He’s not fooling anyone….except his followers. #hoodwinked #CorruptGOP #UnAmerican #RussianCollusion #comradetrump #sleepercell #AirForceOne

— Ril Hawkins (@rilhawk) July 13, 2018

Jack Ohman cartoon: New Air Force One paint job…

— Jack Ohman (@JACKOHMAN) July 12, 2018

President Trump wants to update Air Force One's design.

— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 12, 2018

Air Force One is subject to a makeover? I don’t have any ideas, but here’s one idea courtesy of #JimmyKimmel

— Nathaniel Cline (@nathanielcline) July 13, 2018

President Trump wants to update the paint job on the next version of Air Force One, ditching the iconic robin's-egg blue (which he calls a "Jackie Kennedy color") for a bolder, "more American" look.

— Special Report Team (@SpecialReport) July 13, 2018

Apparently the president isn’t pleased with the plane’s current color or design

— Fast Company (@FastCompany) July 13, 2018

Ridiculous. Next presidential will have to tone it down.

— B-Magic ???????? (@Brasilmagic) July 13, 2018

[via HuffPost, CNN and Axios, main image via Shutterstock]

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