New and Improved Career Services – Info Web Dev

Enroll in a career-ready Nanodegree program today, and use Udacity Career Services to ensure you make a meaningful impact on recruiters and hiring managers

We’re here to connect learning to jobs. That’s our goal. To ensure that what you learn, earns you the job you want. To reach that goal, we need to support you with the full measure of our experience, knowledge, and resources—including our hiring partnerships and industry connections.

To date, we’ve helped thousands of Udacity graduates achieve their desired outcomes. How? By constantly learning from you, about what you need.

We ask questions, collect data, and track results. We send surveys, conduct interviews, and do polling. We pore over LinkedIn, read blog posts, and monitor Slack. We talk to prospective students, current students, and alumni. We talk to industry partners, hiring managers, and recruiters. We collect feedback signals everywhere, and we analyze those signals, and we act on all that feedback to try and create the right services for you.

Today, we’re very excited to introduce new and career services for students of our career-ready Nanodegree programs! Enroll today, and these services will play a key role in your journey to career success.

More than 12,000 resume reviews conducted

The first of these new and improved services is Resume Review. Did you know that over the past three years, our network of industry professionals has conducted over 12,000 resume reviews? It’s true! Which means if you enroll in a career-ready Nanodegree program today, you can count on all that expertise as a resource for your career.

If you’re wondering why we’re prioritizing resumes so highly, here are just a few data points we’ve gathered from those 12,000 reviews that you should be aware of:

  • 75% of resumes leave out critical information about their work experiences
  • 51.6% of resumes have formatting errors
  • 46.8% of resumes lack keywords from the job posting

When you consider that 98% of Fortune 500 companies use an Applicant Tracking System, and recruiters spend about 6 seconds on their initial “fit/no fit” decision, it suddenly becomes really clear why it’s so important to get your resume right. And regardless of the company you’re applying to or the field you’re in, having a neutral third party evaluate your resume and provide feedback can increase your response rate, and increase the likelihood you’ll be hired.

This process is especially effective when that neutral third party is an experienced industry professional who can provide detailed, personalized, and actionable feedback. And that’s exactly what you get when you purchase an exclusive Resume Review!

How to avoid ending up on the ‘no’ pile

In today’s world, it is estimated that the average person will change jobs more than 10 times in their career. So the truth is, we’re all going to need to keep rewriting, revising, and updating our resumes. Not only because we change jobs, but because the world changes around us. This is a big reason why we’re offering our new career services. We know you’ll want them more than once. Not just when you’re in a career-ready Nanodegree program, but in the years that follow.

That’s why we’re making these services available to career-ready Nanodegree program alumni as well. We want to ensure you never end up on the “no” pile before you’ve even had a chance to demonstrate your skills, experience, and value.

Mindset matters

There’s another benefit to having a partner as you pursue your career goals. When you work with experienced career experts, you develop confidence. It’s one thing to look at your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your GitHub, your cover letter, and tell yourself everything looks good. But does it? It can be hard to really know. When you don’t hear back about an application, or a hiring manager neglects to extend an offer, you rarely get to find out why. That can be incredibly destabilizing.

When you work with us, you get actionable feedback. You learn strategies for success. You master the art of putting your best foot forward. Your learn how to chart a clear path for yourself, and develop techniques for hitting achievable milestones as you progress. Perhaps most important of all, you stay on track. It’s an incredibly empowering experience to overcome frustration and self-doubt.

“Udacity Career Services helped me to rewrite my CV and LinkedIn profile, but the most important part for me is the positive energy and the confidence boost I got from the session.” —Muhanad Rabie, Software Engineer, Age of Learning, Inc.

In March of this year, we were honored to share a story about one of our students, John Bono. John’s journey to career success was what you might call “unconventional”—it included stints as a cryptologist in the US Navy, an abandoned attempt at earning a psychology degree, and three years as a world-traveling street magician! Today, he’s a successful Android Developer, and he credits the experience of working on his resume with Udacity as a critical turning point in his journey:

“I truthfully struggled with the part of the program where I had to work on my resume, even though it was ultimately really useful. I think if I hadn’t been forced to focus on it, I might have fizzled out and considered returning to the magic act!”

John also highlights the benefits of staying connected in the program, and the accountability, structure, and motivation that comes with being part of a community. This idea is central to how we approach career support—by working directly together, we can make certain you reach your goals.

Choosing a career-ready Nanodegree program

Is a career-ready Nanodegree program the right path for you? That depends on how you answer questions like these:

  • Do you want to learn valuable and in-demand job skills?
  • Do you want to take advantage of high demand in growing fields?
  • Do you want to build a portfolio that will impress recruiters and hiring managers?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of the above, then a career-ready Nanodegree program can be a great choice for you. It was certainly the right choice for Thomas Dunlop, and we’re thrilled by what he’s accomplished since graduating:

“Udacity’s combination of career counseling services and and resume-ready projects were integral to getting my first job as a data scientist.” —Thomas Dunlop, Data Scientist, Knowledgent

Be ready

In addition to our Resume Review service, we’re also offering a Technical Interview Preparation service. Because while a resume will get you through the door, you need to nail your interviews before you get the offer. That’s a lesson Udacity grad Mike Miller learned firsthand, and it’s advice he now gives to others in situations similar to where he was when he started the process of changing careers:

“Practice interviewing, and always be ‘ready.’ Practice behavioral interview questions, technical questions, and general problem solving questions. You never know when you might receive an important call that could lead to a great job.”

Be hireable

We firmly believe these services will make a definitive and positive difference in your career, and we encourage you to enroll in a career-ready Nanodegree program today, so you can start benefiting right away. We also encourage you to take this advice, from Udacity grad Alexandre  Campino:

“Do everything Udacity tells you to do, especially on your resume. Udacity’s advice will make you hireable.”

Couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

Enroll today

Below is a current list of all our career-ready Nanodegree programs. Choose the one that’s right for you, and enroll today. As soon as you enter your classroom, you can access your Career Portal, and that’s where you’ll be able to purchase your career services.

Career-Ready Nanodegree programs

Career Services coming soon to these programs!

We look forward to seeing you in the classroom as soon as possible, and we can’t wait for the day when you send us YOUR amazing career news!

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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