5 Items You Must Take on Your Outdoor Adventure | Productivity

“There’s no place like home”. You can travel around the world but nothing will beat the comfort you feel at home. This is because everything there is tuned according to your needs. You have everything in the right place that is easy for you to find and use. From your routine gadgets to some specified to your luxuries, everything is there for a reason.
Whether you like it or not, traveling is an essential part of your lifestyle and it requires a drastic shift from your household routine. Absolutely finicky about your routine needs? Here are a few inventions to aid you during your trips:
1. Portable Toilet
This is something that you can’t live without if you stay outdoors. Camping is one of the outdoor trips you may want to take but it may not seem very flexible. Here’s a solution – portable toilet!
Portable toilets let you travel with ease knowing you can attend nature’s call any time you want! There are different kinds of portable toilets found here to understand which ones suit your needs best. Make sure you find a cozy one so you don’t miss the bathroom seat from home!
Products from Amazon.com
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2. Sleeping Bags
Sleep is vital for an active day, physical strength and to beat the stress of the day. Sufficient sleep not only prevents cold, mood swings and appetite loss, it keeps your brain and body moving under difficult circumstances.
You never know when the weather might become too cold to bear. Nights can be fiercely cold even in places where the days are really hot. You need to be really careful at night. The sleeping bag will not only keep you warm in the night but also during the day. All you have to do is jump inside and zip up.
Products from Amazon.com
Price: $34.97
Was: $49.97
Price: $34.99
Was: $80.00
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* jCarouselLite – v1.1 – 2014-09-28
* http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ganeshji Marwaha
* Licensed MIT (https://github.com/ganeshmax/jcarousellite/blob/master/LICENSE)
3. Heating Rod
You need to heat really cold water to make it fit for drinking. Water is heated for cooking, bathing, washing and other uses too. Get a heating rod to ensure you are able to heat water according to the temperature required anywhere.
Heating rods are available in solar powered models as well. You never know when you may run out of power, that is when the solar powered model will come in handy. These heating rods can also help you warm up your sleeping bags if the temperature is kept minimum.
4. Glowing Tent
These tents are not like any other that you can find in the market. These are Wi-Fi enabled tents with a GPS too. They need no power to operate, just the sun to charge them up. You can easily monitor the charging level on the tent with the display inside. This tent can even help you when you’re lost. All you have to do is send it a text message and it will begin to glow. This glow will inform other people nearby that you need help. The tent stores your location too with its built-in GPS.
5. Night Vision Goggles
Nights are especially dangerous when you’re outside. The darkness takes away all your vision and even the slightest of movement around you can keep you up for the whole night. Night vision goggles will help you see even in the night. They are really helpful if you have to travel or hunting at night. You need to take extra care at night and these goggles will help you take that care.
Featured Image: Beautiful blue dawn by Krivec Ales on Pexels.com
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