Google My Business Announced New Performance Insights Metrics

Google announced new performance , specifically for Google My Insights. Now, this is probably what we covered over here. Google said “business Profile Performance reporting is moving closer to your profile on Search and Maps. You’ll be able to access more of the core profile metrics directly from your Business Profile.”

Google added “we start with interactions to let you know how often people have contacted you. More metrics will follow over the next months and will include detailed reports about searches and the number of people who saw the profile. After metrics are added to Performance reporting, the older versions of those metrics will eventually be removed from the Google My Business web and app platforms.”

Google said these performance reports are currently “available on Search and will soon be available on Maps.”

This data will be available for up to 6 months. You’ll be able to review your serial idm 625 performance by selecting custom time frames, with interaction metrics updated daily and other metrics updated monthly.

Here are screen shots from our previous story:google-business-announced-new-performance-insights-metrics


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