Software Designing What Machine Learning Can Learn from DevOps Dec 21, 2018 Key Takeaways Product teams, CI/CD, automated testing and IT are working closely with the business. However, where are your data scientists and ML…
Software Designing The Psychology of Design | Software Designing Oct 6, 2018 There are a number of debates about which additional skills designers should learn. Should designers code, write, or understand business? These…
Software Designing Responsive Images | Software Designing Sep 21, 2018 I come here not to bury img, but to praise it. Well, mostly. Historically, I like img just fine. It’s refreshingly uncomplicated, on the surface: it…
Software Designing Make Something Great: Become an Open Source Contributor | Software Designing Aug 17, 2018 My first contribution to Bootstrap was a tiny line of CSS. It was a no-brainer to merge, but the feeling of seeing that bit of code in the project’s…
Software Designing Designing for Research | Software Designing Aug 10, 2018 If you’ve spent enough time developing for the web, this piece of feedback has landed in your inbox since time immemorial: “This photo looks blurry.…
Software Designing Going Offline | Software Designing Aug 10, 2018 A note from the editors: We’re excited to share Chapter 1 of Going Offline by Jeremy Keith, available this month from A Book Apart. Businesses are…
Software Designing Planning for Everything | Software Designing Aug 10, 2018 A note from the editors: We’re pleased to share an excerpt from Chapter 7 (“Reflecting”) of Planning for Everything: The Design of Paths and Goals by…
Software Designing Meeting Design | Software Designing Aug 10, 2018 A note from the editors: We’re pleased to share an excerpt from Chapter 2 (“The Design Constraint of All Meetings”) of Meeting Design: For Managers,…
Software Designing What is Typesetting? | Software Designing Aug 10, 2018 A note from the editors: We’re pleased to share an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Tim Brown’s Flexible Typesetting, from A Book Apart. Typesetting is the…
Software Designing The Slow Death of Internet Explorer and the Future of Progressive Enhancement | Software Designing Aug 10, 2018 My first full-time developer job was at a small company. We didn’t have BrowserStack, so we cobbled together a makeshift device lab. Viewing a site…