Social Media Helpful Tricks to Promote Extra Merchandise Using Social Media Jun 15, 2019 Selling products online using social media very challenging. There are ways to successfully sell more your merchandise products online using social…
Social Media Utilizing Nano-Influencers to Promote Your Model on Social Media Jun 13, 2019 Today, every average schoolchild knows who influencers are. These are the influential people on Instagram celebrities who have millions of active…
Public Relations 10 offbeat concepts to spark creativity and promote collaboration Jun 11, 2019 Workplace independence is a beautiful thing, but isolation can be stifling. That’s why I seldom work alone. I crave creative collaboration.…
Social Media The right way to Promote on Social Media Organic reach has dramatically Jun 11, 2019 In the not-too-distant past, businesses relied heavily on network television and terrestrial radio to connect with buyers and tout their products.…
Email Marketing 10 methods to promote previous stock in your clothes retailer Jan 17, 2019 Early within the yr everybody appears so gung-ho to speak about their “new year, new me” plans to turn into a greater general human being. But…
Tech Industry New organisation to promote digital identity in NZ Dec 31, 2018 New Zealand is about to have its first formal digital identity organisation in the form of Digital Identity NZ, and it will be spearheaded by NZTech.…
Branding Should You Promote Your Personal Brand With Snapchat? | Branding Nov 11, 2018 When building a personal brand mobile marketing is key to increased visibility online. To achieve this it’s not only important to create compelling…
Social Media Instagram’s next cash cow: instant Promote ads for Stories | Social Media Nov 2, 2018 Instagram hopes dollars from long-tail of small businesses and social media stars can help it pull its weight in the Facebook family. A new ad type…
Social Media Twitter May Soon Remove ‘Likes’ in Ongoing Effort to Promote Healthy Conversations | Social Media Oct 30, 2018 Twitter is reportedly planning to remove “likes” from the social media platform as its CEO Jack Dorsey told employees at an in-house event last week…
Tech and Gadget Google Uses Kids To Promote Its Brand In The Classroom | Innovation Oct 9, 2018 I’m not writing about the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon, Marvel or Harry Potter. This blog is about how high-tech companies like Google use kids and…