SEO Google Works To Make Robots Exclusion Protocol A Real Standard Jul 3, 2019 Google’s webmaster channel is on a series of posts every hour around the Robots Exclusion Protocol – in short, an hour ago, Google announced that…
Social Media If Conversational Chatbots Wish to Take Off, They Must Act Like Robots Apr 10, 2019 Getting people to love the idea of talking to computers instead of people is proving more difficult than we thought. Two decades after a generation…
Designing ‘Superhuman’ robots will outstrip mankind within 50 years Feb 3, 2019 Luca De Ambroggi, the research and analysis lead for AI solutions within the Transformative Technology team at London-based global information…
Designing You Can Now Buy Sophia the Robot’s “Little Sister” Feb 1, 2019 Little Sophia You’ve probably heard of Sophia the robot. The close-to-lifelike humanoid has graced the cover of Cosmopolitan, gone on a date with…
Designing Technology & robots will shake labour policies in Asia Jan 24, 2019 In the 21st century, governments cannot ignore how changes in technology will affect employment and political stability.The automation of work –…
Designing Starship, Sodexo Launch Food Delivery via Robots Jan 23, 2019 Delivery robots from Starship are ready to serve the George Mason University campus with on-demand food and beverage options. Source: Starship…
Designing “Digisexuals” are falling in Love & Lusting for Robots Jan 21, 2019 Digisexuals Remember the French woman who claimed she was engaged to a 3D printed robot she had designed, or the Chinese engineer who performed a…
Designing People Are Brutally Assaulting Robots Jan 21, 2019 Killing Robots Remember when assailants beat and dismembered a hitchhiking robot? Or destroyed a sex robot at an electronics show? Or when a man…
Innovation DARPA Wants to Build Conscious Robots Using Insect Brains Jan 14, 2019 Insect Brains The Pentagon’s emerging technologies unit put out a call last week for proposals that use insect brains to control robots — because…
Artificial intelligence This AI teaches robots how to walk Jan 1, 2019 Artificially intelligent (AI) systems have imbued robots with the ability to grasp and manipulate objects with humanlike dexterity, and now,…