Robotics Image: Robotic hopper Nov 29, 2018 Credit: European Space Agency This walking and hopping robot is currently being tested in ESA’s Mars Yard.SpaceBok is a quadruped robot designed…
Artificial intelligence How Munich’s Franka Emika wants to reinvent industrial robotic assistants Nov 27, 2018 While images of human-like robots jumping over boxes have captured popular attention, the real robotics revolution is taking place in manufacturing …
Robotics Zume reportedly snags $375 million from SoftBank for its robotic food operations Nov 26, 2018 Zume, the robotics and logistics company that got its start slinging pizza, just raised $375 million from SoftBank, the WSJ first reported. Another…
Robotics Robotic Process Automation will Grow to 2.4$ Billion by 2022 Nov 26, 2018 Worldwide spending on robotic process automation (RPA) programming is evaluated to reach $680 million in 2018, increasing by 57% year over year.
Robotics What is robotic process automation and why does it matter to your business? | Robotics Nov 6, 2018 At VMworld 2018, Gartner’s Paul Delory talked to TechRepublic about the RPA benefits for frontline workers, including the challenges, and impact on…
Robotics Robotic Process Automation explained | Robotics Nov 1, 2018 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a type of business process automation related to the next level of artificial intelligence (AI). It can increase…
Computing Robotic process automation is a seed for digital transformation | Computing Oct 31, 2018 RPA is the process of automating time-consuming tasks like data entry Robotic process automation (RPA) is a starting point for digital…
Tech and Gadget Alibaba launches China’s biggest robotic warehouse ahead of Singles Day | Digital Asia Oct 30, 2018 E-commerce giant Alibaba is preparing for the rush of the upcoming Singles Day, which falls on November 11, by opening what is said to be the…
Tech and Gadget Say ‘Hi’ to Nybble, an open-source robotic kitten | Tech Industry Oct 30, 2018 If you’ve ever wanted to own your own open-source cat, this cute Indiegogo project might be for you. The project, based on something called the…
Tech News update Hyundai is augmenting American employees with robotic exoskeletons | Tech Top Oct 25, 2018 Robots aren’t about to take over the workplace, but that doesn’t mean they can’t lend us a hand. Hyundai is introducing wearable robotic exoskeletons…