Introducing The Remix: Generational Change and the Surprisingly Bright Future of Work – Info Career Dev

I am delighted to share the news that my next book, THE REMIX: Generational Change and the Surprisingly Bright of , will be published by Harper Business in Spring 2019. I couldn’t be more excited about writing a new book and sharing it with all of you.

Why “The Remix”? In music, a remix is a song – often a classic – that has been altered from its original state by a new artist who adds, removes or changes the original in some way to create something both recognizable and entirely new.

In business, I define a remix as a positive approach to organizational change that takes practices and habits embraced by previous generations (Traditionalists, Baby Boomers and Generation Xers) and alters them in some way to better appeal to Millennials, Gen Zs and future employee cohorts to come. The result is a workplace that takes the best of each generation’s ideas and practices to design a brighter future of work.

The possibilities of a remix mindset are virtually endless and applicable to organizations across any industry and any current employee demographic mix.

I am actively collecting stories of multigenerational success and will be sharing them as I write the book. I hope you’ll stay connected through my blog and Twitter and Instagram in the coming weeks and months. And, if you have questions or ideas for #TheRemix, please send them my way.

Thank you, as always, for reading.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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