The Death of & What it Means for Your Display Campaigns – Info Marketing

Google just sent out an email that caused a stir among SEMs with clients whose accounts contain at least one GDN campaign. The gist? The long-running workaround for excluding mobile apps en masse—adding as a placement exclusion—is being killed off in September.

Case in point…here’s one reaction I saw on Linkedin:

Like I said, visceral responses abound.

Some are upset because they see Google’s outreach email, particularly the statement, “you may see a significant increase in mobile apps or mobile web traffic,” as laying the foundation for a cash grab. But I’m not sure that’s really the case. So what’s really going on here?

Here’s everything you need to know about why this is happening (and, more importantly, how to continue avoiding junk placements on mobile apps).

So, Uh, What’s Happening?

Per Google, “In September 2018, the exclusion and the GMob mobile app non-interstitial exclusion will no longer be available within Google Ads.”

old adwords ui adsenseformobileapps

Now, this does not mean that by targeting mobile devices you are forced into serving ads on apps. There’s just a new way to exclude them, and I’ll get to that in a minute.

First though…

Why is Google eliminating a tried-and-true workaround?

Simplicity, of course. 

This change will make it easier to serve ads to the ever-growing subset of humanity spending their web browsing hours on mobile devices. And, yes, it could mean more bad clicks in your campaigns.

I guess.

In reality, many advertisers didn’t know about the placement and have undoubtedly spent a ton of advertising dollars serving Display creative to fat-thumbing app-users. And even those of us who do know about managing and excluding mediocre (or junk) placements inevitably spend dollars on ones that don’t convert; it’s an inherent risk of advertising in spaces where search intent doesn’t rule the roost, and it’s why the clicks are so darn cheap.

Newsflash: managing placements—that is, excluding based on performance and other, squishy factors like brand alignment or, say, general morality—is extremely important. It’s akin to adding negative keywords to your search campaigns (and we all do that, right?). Is this change a minor annoyance? Sure, for some. But in a channel with millions of websites and hundreds of thousands of apps, diligence, good creative, and thoughtful audience creation—not a single placement—are the keys to success, and the of isn’t going to change that!

With that, here’s how you can exclude all mobile apps in Google Ads.

Excluding Mobile App Placements in Google Ads

This is a two-step process, the first of which is pretttttty obvious.

You’ll need to head to the placement tab, then to exclusions:

google ads exclusions tab

Simply check the box next to, then hit “remove.”

(Note that if the placement lives in a list of exclusions, you’ll need to remove it from there instead of at the campaign level)

Next, go to your campaign settings and click “additional settings.”

additional settings google ads campaign

Here, you’ll want to navigate down to “Devices.” If it says “Show on All Devices,” you’re gonna have a bad time (and by that, I mean your Display ads will serve on mobile apps). To rectify this situation, click the radio button next to “set specific targeting for devices”

google ads select device placements

This will open a menu that breaks devices into three subsets: computers, mobile, and tablet.

google ads set specific targeting for device

If you only want to serve your ads on the mobile web, uncheck “mobile app” and “mobile app interstitial.” Ditto for tablet.

Now hit save…

Annnnnd you’re done

That wasn’t so bad, right?

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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