5 ways businesses can avoid phishing scams online

The concept of phishing is gaining immense popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic. People, by and large, are becoming victims of such fraudulent activities. Therefore, we have come up with 5 businesses can avoid getting trapped with emails that are meant to deteriorate their identity. Based on recent Phishing records, almost 90 percent of companies have encountered spear phishing attacks. So, by now, you must have realized how crucial it is to learn how to avoid phishing scams online.

Make sure your devices are encrypted

It is highly imperative to use a secured device connection while you browse online. And the best way to make it happen is to use a multiple devices VPN service on all your workable gadgets. Using a virtual private network tunnel will shield your data from malware and other unwanted cyber threats.

The best part about using a VPN connection is that it will provide robust military support to your internet connection. And you can be rest assured that all your data is safe from spammers. Thus, this will serve as a barrier for phishers to refrain attacking your sensitive information. Whether you have to email or send any critical data using a website, make it encrypted via a VPN.

Protect your email & personal data 

Be vigilant when you respond to those emails that seem more like spam or ask you to give them personal details. Keep your log-in credential restricted to trusted members only. You must also avoid using the same credentials for every account. Do not respond to the email that comes from an unknown person.

Moreover, you must also restrain from replying to people who intend to confirm your confidential information online. You have to act logically to avoid phishing scams, and the best way is to recognize those fraudulent emails before you become a victim. Always check beforehand whether the sender is unknown or not.

Do not respond to people you don’t know. Moreover, check if the recipient sent a personalized email, or the email seems more like a copied template because phishers do not customize their emails. Also, remember that trusted authorities never ask you to disclose any of your account details over email.

Beware of online pop-ups scams

Phishing through pop-up windows is increasing gradually, and with that, the need to refrain from this scam becomes a necessity. Ensure you do not enter your details on such pop-up screens. Also, you must not click on the website links available on the pop-up window as it leads you to the extensive vulnerabilities. Such pop-ups include enticing messages for users to drive clicks from them and to misuse their confidential information.

Ensure you use only secured websites

Always follow this rule-of-thumb of using the website that is secured with “Https:// instead of a simple Http:// site. Encrypted sites are less likely to cause harm to your online activities. With HTTPS://, you can get increased security and the robust trust factor. Moreover, it prevents your site from being caught by hackers. It will also protect your information from possible threats.

Audit your email campaigns

No matter how seamless your email process is, you have to keep a security check and balance. Try to audit your campaigns every after some time to make sure you follow standard email procedures. Give proper training to your email marketing team and let them know about how to recognize phishing emails. Doing all this will ensure your business is safe from unwanted cyber-attacks.

Bottom Line

Phishing activities are rising considerably, and with that, it has become crucial to look for ways to combat such email threats proactively. By practicing the above five techniques, you can ensure to have secure business email campaigns that are free from spyer. Remember, a secured business must be your priority, and you cannot risk it at any cost. Start taking precautionary measures to ensure your business is safe from malware.

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