Cyber Security Stay off Zoom and Google Hangouts, Standard Chartered chief tells staff Apr 21, 2020 Standard Chartered is the first major global bank to tell employees not to use Zoom Video Communications during the coronavirus pandemic due to cyber…
SEO Google Works To Make Robots Exclusion Protocol A Real Standard Jul 3, 2019 Google’s webmaster channel is on a series of posts every hour around the Robots Exclusion Protocol – in short, an hour ago, Google announced that…
Marketing Adjust unveils a new standard to combat fraudulent ad clicks Feb 14, 2019 Berlin-based mobile measurement firm Adjust released a new standard for combating mobile click fraud this week. Called Click Validation Through Proof…
Mac How to Make Your iPhone Display Dimmer Than Standard Brightness Controls Allow Jan 17, 2019 There’s an easier way to invoke this. At the bottom of the accessibility page, there’s one called “Accessibility Shortcut”. Select Zoom (and I also…
Computing Gaming Routers vs. Standard Routers: What’s the Difference? | Computing Nov 9, 2018 Every year there are a lot of new, more expensive routers coming out with “extreme gamer” marketing, but behind the advertising, what does that all…
Tech and Gadget Hands-on With ARIA: Homepage Elements and Standard Navigation | How To Sep 19, 2018 Looking to make your website more accessible? Want to be the first in line as new online interfaces come to market? Look no further than ARIA. This…
Computing EU Lawmaker Wants Standard Regulations to Allow ‘Passport’ for ICOs | Crypto Sep 10, 2018 A European lawmaker believes that new regulations for initial coin offerings (ICOs) are the key to making them more “accessible” within the European…
Tech News update EU Lawmakers Weigh ‘Standard’ for ICOs Under Crowdfunding Rules | Crypto Sep 5, 2018 <!--EU Lawmakers Weigh ‘Standard’ for ICOs Under Crowdfunding Rules | Crypto | Latest Technology News |!-->-->…
Computing Standard Chartered, Siemens Partner on Blockchain Pilot to ‘Fully Digitize’ Bank Guarantees | Crypto Aug 31, 2018 UK multinational banking and financial services company Standard Chartered (SC) disclosed it is working on a blockchain pilot for bank guarantees…
Mac Making The Grade: USB-C is the standard that IT departments need | Mac Aug 12, 2018 Making The Grade is a weekly series from Bradley Chambers covering Apple in education. Bradley has been managing Apple devices in an education…