Infographic: 10 tactics for email marketing success – Info PR

A strong campaign is part and parcel of any successful

However, there are many ways to muck up this powerful digital channel.

Customers can tell when your email copy is a bland or generic missive
getting blasted out to everyone. Brand managers must also ensure content is
edited and checked for dead links or errors before sending.

What else can marketers do to avoid flubbing their email efforts?

[Report: Email best practices that will catapult your results]

from Campaign Monitor
provides more helpful tips for ensuring you’re getting the most out of your
email campaigns—as well as practices that are hindering them.

It includes:

  • Make sure the preview line of your email captivates.
  • Invest in automation to create beneficial customer journeys.
  • Dive into analytics to discover how you could improve future campaigns.

For more ways to build a successful email marketing strategy—and tactics to
avoid—see the full infographic below.

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Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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