The Top 5 Habits of Leadership | Anthony James | Linux

As the founder and CEO of Academy, Anthony’s role as a leader changed while our company grew from one employee to over one hundred. Here are the top five habits of leadership he’s discovered along the way:

Top 5 Habits of Leadership

  1. Empower teams: Leaders give their employees a strong sense of purpose by empowering them to push the company forward. Take care of your team, so they can take care of your customers.
  2. Roll up your sleeves: Doing the dirty work isn’t always fun, but it’s sometimes what’s needed to get the job done. Understand that your position of authority doesn’t make you better than anyone else.
  3. Communicate with grace: Transparency, honesty, and two-way communication go far; enabling transparency empowers teams to make better decisions. Make sure each employee understands your direction and receives encouragement and recognition.
  4. Share with communities: Make time to help others. It’s easy to get inspired by a cause you care about, and it’s very rewarding to see the impact you can make.
  5. Learn from failure: Progress is impossible without failure. Don’t let a fear of failure hold you back from being bold, pioneering new concepts, or doing something different. Each failure holds a specific lesson to success.

About Anthony James Top-Habits-of-Leadership-Anthony-James

Anthony is the Founder and CEO of Linux Academy. He founded Linux Academy in 2012 to help him pass a Linux certification exam after struggling to learn through traditional training methods. Next thing he knew, the site was helping tens of thousands of students pass certifications and improve their careers. Now, Anthony is leading the organization towards making training even more efficient than it ever has been through the use of technology. Outside of business and technology, Anthony is a family man with a caring wife and two adorable boys. He enjoys Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, riding his motorcycle, and Mexican food.

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The post The Top 5 Habits of Leadership | Anthony appeared first on Linux Academy Blog.

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