Tech News update New Microsoft patent shows off a floor mat for your virtual reality experiences Oct 6, 2019 Trying to roam through vast computer-generated worlds from your not-very-vast living space poses a number of challenges for virtual reality – and a…
Tech News update Facebook’s Zuckerberg isn’t giving up on Oculus or virtual reality Oct 3, 2019 When you hear about virtual reality, whether or not you’ve ever used it, you probably think of video games that transport you to a far-off space…
Tech Tips & Tricks How to Use Virtual Desktops on Your Chromebook Aug 21, 2019 Google recently rolled out Chrome OS version 76 and with it comes a virtual desktop feature. Here’s how to enable it and use the “Virtual Desks”…
Tech Tips & Tricks How to Use Virtual Desktops on Chrome OS Aug 16, 2019 Google is finally adding virtual desktops to its repertoire of Chromebook features something other major operating systems already have with Chrome…
Entrepreneurship The Benefits Of Renting A Virtual Office For Your Online Business Jun 9, 2019 Owning an online business comes with many benefits. Similar to the advantages of having a job from home, owning an online business allows for…
Virtual Reality Team at Harvard-Smithsonian and Brown Use Virtual Reality to Look Inside Stars Jan 1, 2019 Space fans have seen vivid images of vivid paint-spattered galaxies, supernovas, and stars from images taken by astronomers. Now, Teams at…
Virtual Reality 2019 PC Virtual Reality Arena Reserved for Facebook and Valve Dec 28, 2018 It is the end of calendar year, usually the time to draw a few lines. As for the PC Virtual Reality, the year has been a financial success marred by…
Virtual Reality This New $5,800 Headset is the Rolls Royce of Virtual Reality Dec 25, 2018 High-End VR The future of VR is bright. Virtual reality headsets are becoming increasingly affordable, and the technology has come a long way over…
Virtual Reality Sling TV Launches vMVPD for Oculus Go Virtual Reality Headset Dec 25, 2018 Oculus Go is getting even harder to shell out of its hard-won, best-all-in-one VR headset category. The plethora of available content just got…
Tech and Gadget Firefox Reality VR Update Vastly Improves Online Virtual Reality Experience Dec 4, 2018 VR is on the rise. The platform is extending its reach with every passing day. Web is where all the real stuff is going on. It’s, after all, the most…