How does communication influence nonprofit fundraising? – Info PR

PR Daily is looking to honor the work of nonprofit organizations and the agencies that represent them.

This year, PR Daily’s Nonprofit PR Awards will recognize excellence in public relations by philanthropic foundations, government agencies, professional associations, charitable organizations, academic institutions and the agencies that represent them. This is your chance to show off the campaigns and projects that were instrumental in changing lives.

This year we’re excited to offer you a variety of categories to showcase your work, including two new category options.

Want to see what it takes to be a winner? Check out the 2017 Nonprofit Awards Special Edition.

See a full list of categories and eligibility requirements and read how to enter below.

Eligibility Requirements

These awards are open to, but not limited to, academic institutions, government entities, departments and agencies, nongovernmental organizations, nonprofit health care organizations, philanthropic or charitable groups, professional associations, public and civic groups and any other not-for-profit organizations.

Agencies, organizations, sole practitioners or freelance consultants can also enter projects completed for their nonprofit clients.

We want to see work from any industry, anywhere in the world. Organizations from every country are welcome as long as the entry is submitted in English.

This year’s program is open to any work executed between Jan. 1, 2017 and June 5, 2018.

Deadlines/Entry Fees

Early Bird Deadline: July 6, 2018
(Save $50 per entry!)

Final Extended Deadline: August 31, 2018

The entry fee for this program is $195 per entry.

Early-bird submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. Central time on July 6 to receive the $20 discount.

All submissions completed after midnight Central time, July 25 will incur a nonrefundable $50 late fee, no exceptions.

Please note: Entry fees are nonrefundable.

W-9 Form / Tax ID Number Request


Each category winner will receive:

  • A featured news story in a Special Edition of
  • An elegant trophy
  • Publicity on our social media channels
  • One complimentary registration to any Ragan event, webcast or conference within 12 months of winning

The winners of the Grand Prize categories also will receive a one-year membership to Ragan Training —a premium online training library featuring hundreds of hours of the very best content from Ragan events. Find out more about the site here:

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  • Advocacy or Awareness Campaign

    How did you raise awareness for the cause your organization advocates for? Tell us about the obstacles, goals, strategy and results of your campaign.

  • Branding or Rebranding Campaign

    Did your brand need an update? Did you modernize your creative assets, redefine your organization’s mission or build a new brand from the ground up? Share how your branding campaign elevated your public profile and captured attention from your audience. Tell us about the changes that defined your rebranding effort.

  • Community-Nonprofit Partnership

    Whether your nonprofit works to solve problems locally or abroad, your community can be a driving force for positive change. How did you collaborate with your community to champion an important cause or initiative? Did you host a 5K, a charity ball or a golf outing to inspire a mass audience to give back to your organization and community? We want to hear the inside story of how you partnered with a local government, civic group or school this past year. What was the goal? How did you achieve it?

  • Corporate-Nonprofit Partnership

    Corporate resources, especially volunteer manpower, are just what a nonprofit needs to achieve regional or national prominence. How did you combine forces with your for-profit partner? We’re especially interested in seeing how both organizations benefitted from the partnership. Tell us about your partnership and how you worked together to achieve amazing results.

  • Event PR and Marketing

    Your event was created to raise awareness about a cause, raise funds, honor those affected by an issue or recognize your donor base. How did you drum up excitement about this event? Tell us what PR and marketing tactics you used to encourage RSVPs and make invitations a hot commodity. What was the attendance, or engagement goal for your event? How did you measure its success?

  • *NEW!* Executive Visibility Campaign

    Your executives are the chief champions of your organization’s mission. Tell us about the PR campaigns you developed to share the story of their connection to your nonprofit. We want to see the media relations efforts, speaking engagements, partnerships and other executive visibility efforts that were a success for your organization this year. How did this affect organizational goals like securing donations, building brand awareness or recruiting volunteers?

  • Fundraising Campaign

    Your nonprofit depends on funds to make a difference. How did you find creative solutions to your lack of funding? How did you appeal to the generosity of your audience? Tell us about your fundraising campaign and its goals. We want to see how you met or exceeded your objectives.

  • *NEW!* Influencer and Donor Relations Strategy

    Did working with influencers have a positive impact on your organization’s goals? How did you partner with someone who was passionate about your mission to get the word out? Tell us about sponsored posts, social media takeovers, volunteer initiatives or events that heavily featured influencers. Why did you team up with them and how did it help?

  • Marketing Campaign

    You took advantage of traditional marketing tools to promote your nonprofit. Did you use print, digital, broadcast or outdoor advertising campaigns, email promotions, online and social media marketing or other tactics? Tell us about your marketing campaign’s success.

  • Media Relations Campaign

    You harnessed the power of the news media to share information about your cause or nonprofit. Did you think locally and work with reporters in your area to gain local newspaper and television coverage? Did your story make national news? Did you put together a press event and win coverage from local influencers? Tell us how you created a shareable brand story. Don’t forget to include links to or PDFs of the media coverage.

  • Social Media Campaign

    Social media is an easy and often free way to get in touch with your audience. You put together a creative social campaign to raise funds or awareness. What was the goal of your campaign? Which platforms were most successful for you? Did you take a multichannel approach? Share the social content you created and the metrics that prove its success.


  • Annual Report

    Annual reports are useful tools for nonprofits. We want to see how you collected both data and stories to share the success of your organization over the last year. How did you design your report to create an easy yet captivating reading experience? What insights did you think would be most valuable to your audience? Print and digital versions are equally welcome.

  • Article

    Your articles aren’t only great storytelling pieces, they’re an essential marketing tool. Tell us about the feature you wrote about your organization’s founder or the interview series you created about people whose lives were changed by your nonprofit’s work. How did your article showcase your organization’s strengths and mission? We want to see stories written for your publication, along with op-ed pieces, online articles and other examples of great storytelling. We’d love to see the comments you got from readers as well.

  • Blog

    Keeping your blog content up to date is a huge undertaking. How have you created a steady stream of content that’s original, informative and entertaining for your audience? We want to see blogs that share an inside look at the day-to-day operations of your nonprofit, share the stories of people you serve or provide insights into the problems you’d love to solve. Please include a link to the blog and a minimum of three posts. As always, include measurable results of its success.

  • Digital Publication

    Do your e-newsletter subject lines put The Skimm to shame? Tell us how the design and content of your newsletter inspires readers to share it. We want to see lively writing that provides practical benefits to readers. Is your writing free of jargon, lively and full of practical benefits for your audience? Tell us all about your print, electronic, weekly, monthly or quarterly newsletter. Show us what makes it a hit. Share your reader feedback with us.

  • Print Publication

    What materials do you publish that inform your members, stakeholders, community members or the broader public? Tell us about your magazine, pamphlet, mailer or other creative asset. Share your publication with us, along with the feedback you received, and tell us what made it successful.

  • User-Generated Content

    The people your organization serves have powerful stories to share. You invited them to share social posts, videos and written content on behalf of your organization. Their stories inspired your audience and told your brand’s compelling story. What was your goal when calling for user-generated content? What feedback did you receive? Don’t forget to provide examples and metrics.

  • Video

    Mastering the skill of creating powerful videos can generate significant results for your organization. We want to see how you used this popular medium to reach your audience. Was your video an emotional TV advertisement, a shareable clip for YouTube, a prepared media reel or a testimonial? Did you go viral? Send us your video. Tell us all about it and how it succeeded.

  • Website

    Your website isn’t just a hub for information and donations, it’s a beautifully designed digital experience for all who visit. We’re seeking industry leaders whose impressively designed, navigable and functional websites tell the story of their mission clearly and creatively. The content and organization of your sites are important to us as well. We want to see it all. Microsites, custom and mobile websites are also eligible.


  • Nonprofit PR Campaign of the Year

    A limited budget, lack of awareness and a small staff doesn’t get in the way of achieving your goals. Those challenges are simply motivation to create innovative new campaigns to promote your cause and organization. We want to see comprehensive PR campaigns that drove traffic to your website, inspired people to engage with you on social media, drove major fundraising initiatives or turned your supporters into your biggest advocates.

  • Nonprofit PR Team of the Year

    Small but mighty is no cliché when it comes to your team. You hustle hard, overcome obstacles and champion your cause with unrelenting determination. This is your time to get recognized for the incredible work you do and the lives you’ve changed. Share an overview of your major challenges and even bigger wins over the past year

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How To Enter

On the entry form, be sure to include a thorough synopsis explaining the purpose and scope of your project. We ask that the synopsis be at least 1,000 words (max: 1,250 words) and include the following sub-headings (when applicable):

  • Goals
  • Strategy and tactics
  • Execution
  • Evaluation: success, results or ROI

Be sure to follow the guidelines laid out in the category descriptions, as the judges will look for those elements when they select the winners.

You will be able to upload up to five additional documents to your submission. We encourage you to include press releases, design concepts, videos, analytics, testimonials and anything else you feel will give us a better sense of your project. Proprietary or internal information can also be attached and will not be shared with the public.

Supporting documents that can’t be uploaded to the system should be mailed to:

Justine Figueroa
Ragan Communications
316 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60601

Enter Online

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Are the awards open to organizations outside the United States?

Yes. Entries may be submitted by organization from around the world. The only requirement is that entries be submitted in English.


May an organization or nominator enter more than one entry?

Yes. Enter as many categories as you like. One story, video, design, etc. may also be entered in multiple categories if it meets the criteria. Each entry and each category will require a separate entry fee.


Will you return my entry materials?



Who judges the entries?

Our judges include the editorial staff of, PR, and Health Care Communication News.


When and where will the winners be announced?

We try to announce a list of finalists six to eight weeks after the close of the program. The announcement of the winners comes about three to four weeks after the announcement of the finalists. Each of these announcements will be made with a headline on our website, in our daily email newsletter, and on our social media platforms. Emails will be sent to all the entrants to notify them of these announcements.


Will there be an awards luncheon or live ceremony?

There is no live event associated with this program.


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Additional Questions

If you have any questions about the program or problems submitting your entry, please call Justine Figueroa at 312-960-4304 or email her at


Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring one of Ragan Communications’ award programs, please contact Kristin Farmer at 312-960-4405 or email her at

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Enter Online


Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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