Looking for career advice. – Info Graphic Design

I, myself am a designer for a year and a half. Struggling designer indeed. I’ve got one degree from a local college in multimedia. The problem is that I can’t find a good opening with the degree, as in India, designer jobs mainly consist of low income jobs. So I now decided to look outside India for degree and a job, I want to lean the international way I guess.

I’d like to know your opinions about which university is the best and cheap for doing a degree or a diploma, it’d be great if working part time is an option too, since I’m coming from a middle class family which can’t afford that much, and I like to pay my own fees it’s critical

Countries I checked are Australia and some European countries, but I’m still confused what course to peruse and which college to attend

I’d appreciate your thoughts and advice.

submitted by /u/niwia
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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