The 3 biggest PR measurement mistakes – Info PR

It’s not good enough to have a public relations campaign. You must have a goal for your campaign and metrics to prove how it will benefit your bottom line. Measuring the success of your PR campaign proves the worth of the campaign and why it matters. However, measuring incorrectly could really do some damage, so make sure to avoid the three measurement made in the PR industry.



  1. Not measuring your success at all

Not measuring your success leaves you wondering if the content you’re producing or the strategy you’re implementing is truly working. And your boss may be wondering the same thing. It’s key to pinpoint what your goal is for creating a campaign, such as gaining more website traffic, increasing conversions, or tying it into an increase in revenue.

  1. Measuring vanity metrics

Vanity metrics are data such as social media followers, page views, subscribers, and other analytics that look nice on paper; however, they don’t move the needle for your company goals. While they offer positive reporting, they provide no context for future marketing decisions – something actionable metrics can do. The C-suite won’t care about how many Facebook likes your company has if those likes aren’t converting into sales. Forget about vanity metrics and start measuring what matters.

  1. Not incorporating key performance indicators into your measurement

KPIs are quantitative measurements that measure how an organization is progressing and how successful it is, such as return on investment. KPIs are what the C-suite executives care about. And they want regular updates on them.

When deciding what to measure, it’s critical to consider what your clients want to improve at their company. Some companies may want more website traffic or more readership. Use that to guide what you measure. For more information on what to measure, download Axia Public Relations’ complimentary e-book “Maximizing Your Public Relations Investment” today.

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Morgan PictureMorgan Stark is a senior at the University of North Florida working toward a Bachelor of Science in public relations.


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Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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