How to Play the Career Dating Game | Career Development

Finding a new job is like getting a new boyfriend/girlfriend. You need to be confident, not desperate. A cool indifference seems to work well, but careful toeing the line between attentiveness and neglect.

Keep in mind that you are always more marketable when you’re taken. Never search for a new job or a new significant other until you have found an upgrade because truthfully, nobody wants someone who’s unemployed or forever single (red flags galore).

And as a general rule, the more attractive the job or person, the better your options will be in the future. If someone sees you strolling down the street with a handsome guy or beautiful woman, they will be far more likely to stop and notice. Similarly, if a recruiter or hiring manager notices a resume from a candidate working at a Fortune 100 company, they are more likely to review it. Your past can and probably will dictate your future.

The following provides guidance on navigating the application, interview, and negotiation stages. It also highlights hazards to look out for along the way. Happy hunting (or applying)!


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