Google Dataset Search Is Now Out Of Beta With New Features

Google announced that Google which launched in beta in 2018 is now out of beta. With that launch, it added several new features. This can probably be used for awesome research when developing rich content and might also send traffic to your site if you implement the correct datasets schema markup.

I covered the launch at Search Engine Land but worth a mention here as well.

The new features include that you can filter the results based on the types of dataset that you want; such as tables, images, text or more.
You can also filter the results based on whether the dataset is available for free from the provider. Google will show you a map if the dataset is about a geographic area. This now can be used on mobile, yes it has mobile-friendly support and Google said it has “significantly improved the quality of dataset descriptions.”

So make sure to mark up the applicable and relevant content with dataset schema so you can show up in Google Dataset Search. Also, feel free to use this search feature for finding useful nuggets for your content.

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